Jim Cassel – Print


Over the years the most memorable story my mother would tell me was about this print by Jim Cassel. It is torn and stained and looks like garbage, I even told her, “throw it away, mom.” She said, “NO, this piece is the most important of all the pieces I got from him.” She said it is the only piece he gave to her (not sold) and his hands shook when he gave it to her. It was in a folder inside an envelope. I have stared at this print a LOT over the years.

Cassel is mentioned twice in the notes.

I recently received the following message
“I am an art historian and the Vermeer painting is “The Concert” which is a woman playing a harpsichord with an open lid in front of the listeners. The man is not sitting studying a painting but listening to the concert played by the woman to his left at the keyboard.”

For nearly 20 years, I’ve pondered the meaning of this seemingly worthless print. In the moment of my discovery, with all the other pieces of the puzzle falling into place – the five drawings, the Manet, the bird paintings connecting to the stolen finial, The Vermeer, with the man seemingly focused on art, became a mirror image of the Cassel print. It was a moment of profound connection. It wasn’t based on any further knowledge of the Vermeer painting.

I acknowledge that this interpretation might be subjective and symbolic rather than purely literal. However, within the unique context of my family’s experience and the overwhelming evidence I’ve uncovered, it holds immense significance and helped me connect the dots in a way that made sense for me.

I hope this explanation provides some clarity and sheds light on the thought process behind my discovery.

2022 Update – someone let us know we only had a part of the print. We discuss this more in the book.  Below is a full copy of the print.

Suzanne has been actively making claims of solving the heist since June 21, 2012 and the fire January 24, 2011. To Robert Wittman and Julian Radcliffe.  Discovered Mr. Koch was Frederick R. Koch August of 2010. So nearly 14 years… 

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